Update for UK picture standards ebay 2013 summer seller update

uberebay Blog

We’ve suspected for a while that picture standards will change for UK sellers. This means that the days of decorative borders and text are over! So, let’s take a look at the new UK picture standards. All eBay UK listings previously came with 1 free gallery picture. The update means that sellers get up to 12 free gallery pictures per …

eBay rivalling Amazon with its ‘Now’ same day delivery

uberebay Blog

eBay Inc has just announced some interesting plans for the US. In a battle for supremacy with its rival Amazon, the company plans to expand its ‘Now’ same day delivery service. Currently, eBay Now delivers products from major US retailers such as Best Buy, Target and Walgreen in Manhattan, New York, San Jose and San Francisco. This express delivery initiative …

Maximising your position in ebay Best Match

uberebay Blog

Best Match is the default sort order used by eBay, and the idea is to help buyers find the products they need efficiently, and from sellers they trust.  What this means for you as a seller is getting your listings in front of those buyers most likely to be interested in your products, and this is one of the keys …

Maximising your position in eBays Best Match

uberebay Blog

Maximising your position in eBays Best Match Best Match is the default sort order used by eBay, and the idea is to help buyers find the products they need efficiently, and from sellers they can trust.  What this means for you as a seller is getting your listings in front of those buyers most likely to be interested in your …